Clarification Text Regarding Personal Data

GTC Endüstriyel (“GTC Endüstriyel”) olarak; 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVKK”), Avrupa Birliği Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü (“GDPR”) ve ilgili mevzuat ve yasal düzenlemelerden kaynaklanan faaliyetleri çerçevesinde kişisel verilerinizin işlenmesi, saklanması ve aktarılmasına ilişkin ziyaretçilerimizi, çevrimiçi ziyaretçilerimizi, müşterilerimizi, potansiyel müşterilerimizi, tedarikçi çalışanlarımızı, tedarikçi yetkililerimizi bilgilendirmek amacıyla işbu aydınlatma metnini hazırladık.

1) What Are Your Categories of Personal Data We Process and For What Purposes Do We Process Them?

Kişisel bilgileriniz GTC Endüstriyel tarafından KVKK’nın 4.2. maddesinde öngörülen; hukuka ve dürüstlük kurallarına uygun olma, doğru ve gerektiğinde güncel olma, belirli, açık ve meşru amaçlar için işlenme, işlendikleri amaçla bağlantılı, sınırlı ve ölçülü olma, ilgili mevzuatta öngörülen veya işlendikleri amaç için gerekli olan süre kadar muhafaza edilme, ilkelerine uygun olarak, iş ortaklarımızla kurduğumuz ve devam eden iş ilişkilerimiz kapsamında (bir kişinin birden çok kategoriye girmesi mümkündür) aşağıda belirtilen amaçlar doğrultusunda işlenebilecektir.

A. Our Visitors

Identity information of our visitors (such as name, surname, TR ID number, place and date of birth) will be processed for the purpose of creating and tracking visitor records.

B. Our Online Visitors

Transaction security information (e.g. your IP address information), marketing information (e.g. shopping history information, cookie records) and identity information (if you notify us of these) of our online visitors using our website, contact information (e.g. your e-mail address, full address, telephone number). your number); It will be processed in order to carry out activities in accordance with the legislation, to carry out information security processes, to follow up requests/complaints, to carry out communication activities, to provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations, and to enable you to access our website via the internet.

C. Our Customers

Identity information, contact information, customer transaction information (eg order information), financial information (eg balance sheet information), legal transaction information, marketing information (eg shopping history information) of our natural person customers or legal entity customers' officials and/or employees. ); Execution of activities in accordance with the legislation, execution of finance and accounting works, execution / supervision of business activities, execution of logistics activities, execution of goods / services after-sales support services, execution of goods / services sales processes, execution of marketing analysis studies, execution of contract processes, authorized person, institution and organizations, to resolve legal disputes, to carry out storage and archive activities, to carry out risk management processes, to carry out advertising/campaigns/promotional processes, to send commercial electronic messages, to carry out commitment processes to companies/products/services, and to conduct communication activities.

D. Our Potential Customers

Identity information, contact information, customer transaction information, marketing information of officials and/or employees of our real person customers or legal entity customers; It will be processed for the purposes of managing goods/service sales processes, executing contract processes, executing advertisement/campaign/promotional processes, sending commercial electronic messages, and conducting marketing analysis studies.

E. Our Solution Partners

Identity information, contact information, dealer transaction information (order information, etc.), financial information (balance sheet information, etc.), legal transaction information, marketing information (shopping history information) of our real person solution partners or legal entity solution partners' officials and/or employees. ; execution of activities in accordance with the legislation, execution of finance and accounting works, execution / supervision of business activities, execution of logistics activities, execution of goods / services after-sales support services, execution of goods / services sales processes, execution of marketing analysis studies, execution of contract processes, authorized person, institution and organizations, to resolve legal disputes, to carry out storage and archive activities, to carry out risk management processes, to carry out advertising / campaign / promotion processes, to send commercial electronic messages, to carry out service processes to the end consumer, to carry out communication activities.

F. Our Supplier Employee

Identity information, contact information, professional experience information of our supplier employee (eg, on-the-job training information); It will be processed for the purposes of carrying out communication activities, Execution/supervision of business activities, Execution of supply chain management processes, Execution of logistics activities, Execution of activities in accordance with the legislation, Occupational health / safety activities.

G. Our Supplier Authority

Identity information, contact information, customer transaction information, financial information, marketing information, legal transaction information of our natural person suppliers or legal entity supplier authorities; It will be processed for the purposes of conducting/supervising business activities, executing goods/service procurement processes, executing finance and accounting works, executing contract processes, executing investment processes, and following and executing legal affairs.

2) What are the Collection Methods of Your Personal Data?

Your personal data specified above in categories; It is collected by physical means such as order forms, contracts, visitor forms or by automatic or non-automatic means through information systems and electronic devices (e.g. telecommunication infrastructure, computers and telephones), third parties, our website and other documents declared by the person concerned.

3) How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Data?

Your personal data specified in categories above, if a period is stipulated in the relevant legislation, for the foreseen period; If the period is not foreseen, our legitimate interest is kept as long as it continues, taking into account the following criteria.
1.    GTC Endüstriyel uygulamaları
2.    Commercial practices applied
3.    The statute of limitations stipulated in the relevant legislation
At the end of these periods, the stored personal data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized.

4) What is the Legal Reason for Collecting Your Personal Data?

Kişisel verileriniz, GTC Endüstriyel tarafından; yukarıda açıklanan amaçların gerçekleştirilmesi doğrultusunda KVKK’nın 5. maddesinde belirtilmiş olan;
1.     clearly stipulated in the law,
2.     Provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract; It is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract,
3.     It is processed on the basis of legal reasons when it is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.
4.    Identity and contact data of our Solution Partners, Customers and Potential Customers will be processed for the purposes of advertising, campaigning, promotion and sending commercial electronic messages based on their explicit consent. You always have the right to request that communication regarding our activities such as advertising, campaigns, promotion and sending commercial electronic messages be stopped, and to withdraw your express consent.
If you do not want to be contacted for advertisements, campaigns, promotions and sending commercial electronic messages from now on, you can exercise your right to cancel via the contact information you have shared with us.

5) Do We Transfer Your Personal Data to a Third Party?

1.    Personal data of our visitors may be shared with law enforcement and judicial authorities, upon request, in order to resolve legal disputes and in accordance with the relevant legislation.
2.    Personal data of our online visitors may be shared with judicial authorities and authorized public institutions and organizations, upon request, in order to resolve legal disputes and in accordance with the relevant legislation.
3.    Personal data of our customers, within the scope stipulated by legal regulations, to authorized public institutions and organizations for the purpose of following and executing legal affairs, carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation, informing authorized persons, institutions and organizations; It is transferred to our group companies, solution partners, cargo companies, suppliers, banks and financial advisors to the extent necessary in order to carry out/audit business activities, carry out risk management processes, and perform our services properly. In addition, the personal data in question may be transferred to the law firm and judicial authorities from which we receive services so that they can be used as evidence in legal disputes that may arise in the future.
4.    Personal data belonging to our potential customers may be transferred to our solution partners to the extent necessary for the proper performance of our services, and to the law firm and judicial authorities from which we receive services so that they can be used as evidence in future legal disputes.
5.    Personal data belonging to our solution partners, within the scope stipulated by legal regulations, to authorized public institutions and organizations for the purpose of carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation, informing authorized persons, institutions and organizations; It is transferred to our solution partners, courier companies, suppliers and banks to the extent necessary for the purpose of conducting/supervising business activities, executing risk management processes, following and executing legal affairs, and performing our services properly. In addition, the personal data in question may be transferred to the law firm and judicial authorities from which we receive services so that they can be used as evidence in legal disputes that may arise in the future.
6.    Personal data belonging to our supplier employees, within the scope stipulated by the legal regulation, to authorized public institutions and organizations for the purposes of carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation, informing authorized persons, institutions and organizations, follow-up and execution of legal affairs, execution/supervision of business activities; It is transferred to group companies, courier companies, suppliers, our financial advisory office and banks to the extent necessary in order to properly perform the service. In addition, the personal data in question may be transferred to the law firm and judicial authorities from which we receive services so that they can be used as evidence in legal disputes that may arise in the future.
7.    Personal data belonging to our supplier representative, to authorized public institutions and organizations for the purpose of carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation, following and executing legal affairs, informing authorized persons, institutions and organizations, and conducting / auditing business activities, within the scope stipulated by legal regulations; In order to perform the service properly, it is transferred to group companies, suppliers, cargo companies, banks and our financial advisors to the extent necessary. In addition, the personal data in question may be transferred to the law firm and judicial authorities from which we receive services so that they can be used as evidence in legal disputes that may arise in the future.

6) Do We Transfer Your Personal Data Abroad?

It can be shared with third parties abroad, our business partners / suppliers, based on the rules within the framework of Article 9 of the KVKK.

7) How Can You Exercise Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?

Right of Rectification: If you have any personal data that you think is incorrect, you have the right to request correction from our company. At the same time, if you have any personal data that you think is missing, you have the right to request that it be completed by our company.
Access Right: You have the right to request a copy of your personal data from our company. Some payment may be requested from you for this activity.
Withdrawing Your Consent: You have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing performed on the basis of consent prior to the withdrawal of your express consent you have given to our company.
Right to be forgotten: In certain cases, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data from our company.
Data Portability Right: In certain cases, you have the right to request that your personal data we obtain from our company be transferred to another organization or directly to you.
Right to Limit Processing: In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that our company limit the processing of your personal data.
Right to Object to Processing: In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by our company.
Right to Make a Complaint to a Supervisory Authority: If you believe that we are processing your personal data in violation of the applicable data protection guidelines, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent regulatory authority, primarily your habitual residence or workplace if you live in the European Union or the relevant supervisory regulatory authority in the Member State where you believe a data protection breach has occurred.
Yukarıda bahsedilen haklarla ilgili talepleriniz ile KVKK’nın ilgili kişilerin haklarını düzenleyen 11. maddesi kapsamındaki taleplerinizi GTC Endüstriyel’e ait “” adresinde yer alan “Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Tebliğ” uyarınca sizlere kolaylık sağlaması adına hazırlanan “Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Formu” aracılığıyla bizlere iletebilirsiniz.

Data Supervisor: GTC Endüstriyel
Address: Siteler, İÇ KAPI NO:32, Şht. Binbaşı Yavuz Başayar Cd NO:15-1, 35800 Aliağa/İzmir